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Coping with Smoking

Everyone knows smoking have scientifically proven that it is really very bad for our health. One may go to the extreme of becoming an addict to smoking which is hard to break. But people still purchase cigarettes to satisfy themselves anyway.

In 2002, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reported that 15.1 % of Australians aged 14-19 were smokers. Almost a third (31.6%) of females in that age cohort stated they were daily smokers (AIHW, 2002) – almost double the national average of 16.1%. While the rate of smoking among young women declines during their 20s (to 17.6%, the lowest in Australia), the rate of smoking for young men increases – to 30.1%, above the national average for the 20-29 years of age cohort. The AIHW (2004) reported that the proportion of daily smokers in the Australian population aged 14 years and over had declined from just under 30% in 1985 to 17.4% in 2004. In 2004, 18.6% of males reported smoking daily compared with 16.3% of females. In 2006, the ABS reported AIHW data showing that 12.7% of males aged between 14 and 19 were current smokers, compared with 14.2% of females.
If you asked me why do people smoke, from what i know it might be due to peer pressure, influence from family members, stress or they simply enjoyed it. I was reading at one of Brian's blog titled Smoking, he shares a video where the so called "pre quit patches" helps to reduce the dosage of cigarettes and it reminded me of such similar ads Nicorette Mini Lozenge.

I think its pretty good ad, at least its humorous. But to me it wasn't strong enough to the fact that i should learn to quit (I'm a non smoker), perhaps those who have given a thought of quitting/light smoker would find it a need to quit before they sink any deeper, and this product came along on tv, it lingers in their head and then they start to do research and jump on the band wagon and purchase. I like the fact that the company came out with various products to help "quit" smoking temporary which gives consumer the choice, if one doesn't work theres other alternative gums, patch, sweets.

(Lets sidetrack a little, the product Nicorette Mini Lozenge, does it matter if its mini size or regular size you mean to say it works differently? Its easy for consumption but i don't really see the need of having minis though.)

Recalling anti-smoking messages
Respondents were asked questions about their recall of two ways of delivering anti-smoking communication: advertisements on radio and television, and talks from teachers. They were also asked to write down the main message or messages they recalled from advertising and from teachers. More remembered the advertisements than recalled talks by teachers. Almost all respondents (97%, n=227, total number who answered this question=233) recall hearing or seeing anti-smoking advertisements. Just over half (56%, n=122) recall their teachers talking about smoking. Their recollections of messages included "smoking kills", "if you smoke you will die".

What intrigue me the most from that article was that they believe smoking kills, they hear it all the time but they didn't really see it for themselves of what an impact it would be prolong smoking therefore they don't see the need to quit. Information delivery mechanisms smokers would believe, most females are more likely to believe messages delivered by medical people like doctors, while males are more likely to believe messages they see or hear
in television and radio advertisements. Among male smokers messages on cigarette packages is the second most believable mechanism.Among all
it ranked the 3rd. Anti-smoking messages designed to scare people are the least believable among all.

Overall results suggest that anti-smoking messages may have greater success if they were designed to respect young people's needs and preferences and delivered via channels that target public prefers. Picture shown below, to all the smokers out there, do you feel like smoking with those pictures on your cigarette pack? less likely right ?

Reference from Strategic communication and anti-smoking campaigns, 2010 (J.Mahoney)


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